Join MAC
MAC membership is open to all Minnesota cemeteries. We also offer an associate membership for those who serve the cemetery industry.
How to Join
**NEW** Join Online
Use the following links to join online!
Or By Mail
Download the membership brochure (PDF). Fill out the information and mail it with a check for your first year’s dues (see dues structure in the brochure) to the following address:
MN Association of Cemeteries
2505 East Minnehaha Avenue
Maplewood MN 55119
For more information about MAC e-mail info@mncemeteries.org.
Benefits of Membership
Regular communication on topics of current interest. MAC publishes a periodic newsletter with legislative updates, industry news and more.
A resource for vital information. MAC is a clearing house for information on a variety of topics, including laws affecting cemetery operation, real estate matters, and insurance issues.
Legislative representation. MAC retains a skilled lobbyist who represents the interests of Minnesota’s cemeteries at the state legislature.
A source of information on new products and services. MAC includes vendors and suppliers of products and services that enhance efficiency and help you make the most of your cemetery’s resources.
Annual Convention. MAC’s fall meeting is a great opportunity to meet people from other cemeteries, see new products and hear about the latest developments affecting your cemetery. Fun and fellowship are part of the mix, too: The annual convention is not to be missed!